Mercedes-Benz cars slowly accelerating light, traveling in a roof mounted between the buildings of solar panels. Already mid-December, but this place is still warm at 1600 meters above sea level, two or three kilometers away in the mountains a little bit of snow embellishment. This is the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Gordon, Colorado, about a 20-minute drive from Denver, the state's capital. Recently, some foreign journalists including Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the laboratory under the auspices of the U.S. State Department Foreign Press Center. This is the only national laboratory in the United States dedicated to basic research in renewable energy. The lab currently employs about 1,500 people and another 800 people visit researchers, intern or contract workers. It is reported that the laboratory annual research funding of about 350 million US dollars, the resulting economic benefits in the most recent study year FY 2012 as high as 815 million US dollars. Appliance energy efficiency is the focus of renewable energy laboratory research. In Smart Power Lab, the reporter saw a cooperation project with German home appliance manufacturer Bosch - using open source control software to improve the interoperability of home appliance communication. Darren & Christensen, who runs the project, said interoperability is paramount to future home automation systems and is a necessary condition for consolidating appliances and improving energy efficiency. Household appliances can also be integrated with clean energy. More and more families choose to install solar panels on their rooftops, and they can also send excess solar power back to the grid, but this poses a series of challenges for the distribution network. Therefore, the power companies hope that every family can use their own home as much as possible The solar power produced is not sent back to the grid. The Renewable Energy Laboratory is part of the U.S. Department of Energy and was formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute, which started operation in 1977. The solar panels used by the US "courage" and "Opportunity" rovers are manufactured by the laboratory. Landry, an engineer in solar-powered labs at the lab, says some of the solar cells used in space are nearly 50% efficient, but expensive, and his lab is working with companies to study how to reduce costs , And large-scale production, he believes that thin film solar cells are the future of solar cells. The Renewable Energy Laboratory is also equipped with the world's most energy-efficient supercomputer, powered by renewable energy, the world's first supercomputer to use warm water and most other supercomputers cool down using air conditioners. Researchers use it to simulate various energy usage scenarios, such as the impact of increased solar power on the power grid hardware. Magnesium alloys have been paid more and more attention because of their unique properties and abundant resources. They have been regarded as environmental protection materials in this century. Has been widely used in the automotive industry, digital home appliances industry, ordnance and equipment manufacturers. Magnesium Alloy Plating is because of the abundant magnesium resources, especially in China's total 60%[4]. (2) the density of magnesium alloy is only about 1.73 of that of aluminum alloy, which is the first choice for the lightweight of the alloy, which is about 60%. (3) the magnesium alloy has high specific strength, good rigidity, easy cutting and molding. (4) the shock absorbing performance is good, can withstand the big impact vibration load, is suitable for the automobile steering wheel, the seat and so on the structural parts. (5) special electromagnetic shielding performance, suitable for mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices and biological protection. (6) good heat dissipation, is the preferred material for some functional devices 3C. (7) it is easy to recycle and is beneficial to the recycling of resources Magnesium Alloy Electroplating Magnesium Alloy Electroplating,Magnesium Alloy Plating,Three Element Alloy Electroplating,Nanometer Nickel Electroplating Jin Yuan Kang Industry Co., Ltd. ,