Seat belts are standard on every car. In accordance with traffic regulations, drivers and occupants in the front row must wear seat belts. However, many people do not like to wear seat belts. They are too cumbersome. They feel that their bodies cannot be shaken when they are put on seat belts. It's so troublesome, it doesn't have to be a good one, and some people's inner true portrayal. In any case, the seat belts have to be attached. It is the most important part of protecting our lives. Not only do we have to fasten our seat belts but we must also tie it up. As far as we can, we will not be able to protect our seat belts at all. Many owners believe that the idea of ​​protecting the seat belts is a mistake. How to fasten the seat belt so that it can play its maximum protection function please see here. Adjusting the position of the seat belt is the first step in securing the seat belt. It is very important to adjust the seat belt height. If the position of the seat belt is adjusted too high, the neck can easily be stretched in an emergency and may cause unnecessary injuries. The tone is too low to control the body's forward rush, and it is very likely that the entire person will be thrown out. The owners must adjust the position of the seat belt according to the actual situation. People and people have different body sizes, different heights, and they are not the same in size or weight. In addition, the size of each car is not the same. Therefore, adjusting the seat belt adjusts itself according to the type of the car itself. Special people should wear belts should pay attention to some issues: 1. Like some girls who are petite, they can try to lower their seat belts when wearing a seat belt. If the adjustment is too high, it is likely to cause neck or other injuries. 2. When the child is in the car, do not put him in the front row of the cab. It is easy to touch the stall in the front row cab and it is prone to accidents. The average child is sitting in the rear cab and is also equipped with a child safety seat. If the child is older than the child seat, but the seat belt is not particularly convenient, we can add a seat cushion to the seat, and then use a seat belt. Children's Safety Belts Please note the following: The safety belt must cross the child's shoulder and neck instead of the child's arm. The diagonal should be past the chest. The belt cannot be crossed from the abdomen but should be crossed from the thigh. The child's development is not complete, and it is very likely that the belt will be injured when passing through the abdomen. When you cannot sit in the safety seat, you should choose to increase the height of the cushion. 3. For pregnant expectant mothers, do not put the seatbelt on the stomach, this is very dangerous, the fetus is very vulnerable, this power is terrible! Avoid him tied to the cheekbones, there may be some uncomfortable, But still, safety first. Say the front seatbelt and talk about the rear seatbelt. In fact, the rear seat belt is also very important, but under normal circumstances there is no field, just a decoration, a kind of self-deception. Although the rear seat belts are rarely adjusted, the overall position is not as bad as the front row. Due to cost constraints, mid-to-low-end models are generally equipped with a two-point seat belt at the center of the rear row. It is not as perfect as a three-point seat belt, and does not have a retractor mechanism. It can only fix the shin section of a person and the upper body cannot be fixed. Although the rear seat belt design is relatively simple, we also have to wear a seat belt at any time. In case of an emergency, the seat belt can protect your personal safety from harm, do not think it will not achieve any protection. Put the seatbelt in the keyhole and lean against the back; insert the front passenger seatbelt into the lock hole; use the clip to hold the seatbelt at the root to fix the length, then gently rest on the body, etc. These are all deceptive Wrong practice. The biggest beneficiary of wearing a seatbelt is oneself but not others. It would not be necessary if you look at it as a traffic police or surveillance camera. Editor's Note: Everyone has only one life. We should take our lives seriously and protect our lives from all aspects.
The suspension system is floorboard of the connection device between the frame and wheel axle or all the force, its function is to transfer function between the wheel and the frame of force and moment, and buffer by the uneven road surface to the impact of the frame or body, and the attenuation of the resulting vibration, in order to make sure the car was going smoothly.
In general, the automobile suspension system can be divided into the independent suspension and independent suspension, the independent suspension of the wheels on both ends of a whole axle, when the wheel side beat the other side wheels also beat accordingly, make whole body vibration or inclination;Independent suspension axle is divided into two sections, each wheel under the spiral spring independent by the installation of the frame, when the side wheels to beat the other side of the wheel is not affected, can the wheels on both sides of the independence movement, improve the stability and comfort of a car.As people demand for the car ride comfort and manipulation stability becomes more and more high, the independent suspension system already was washed out gradually
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