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Recently, Wärtsilä and the merchant ship Mitsui LNG Transportation Europe Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Japanese merchant ship Mitsui Group, signed a 10-year maintenance agreement. The agreement will improve the predictability of LNG ship operations, enhance safety and reduce operating costs. This comprehensive service agreement includes all planned engine maintenance activities, shop floor services and online remote support.
The agreement involves two LNG carriers "Spirit of Hela" and "Gigira Laitebo". These two 177,400-cubic-meter ships were built at the Korean shipyard in 2010. Each ship is equipped with four Wärtsilä 50DF pairs. Fuel engine.
The service agreement includes planned engine maintenance, shop floor service and online remote support. Under the agreement, Wärtsilä will provide a state-based maintenance program (CBM) that continuously collects engine operating parameter data and transmits it to the Wärtsilä Service Center for expert analysis to control and extend engine maintenance intervals, reducing operating costs and Idle time.
The European LNG Transportation Company, a subsidiary of Merchant Marine Mitsui, is based in London and manages 15 LNG carriers for Mitsui and the joint venture shipowners.