According to Max's consulting, industrial UAVs are an important growth industry in the UAV market. According to market research firm Tractica, global commercial UAV shipments will increase from the current 80,000 units to 2.7 million units by 2025, while the associated service industry will generate 8.2 billion USD / year. In the past, UAS technological innovation mainly focused on military applications. However, recent key development trends have gradually shifted to the commercial market. mainly include?

Cargo transport and delivery

In remote or inaccessible areas, drone transport of medicines and small items, including the transport of supplies to areas experiencing earthquakes, floods and disease outbreaks, can be used. On the other hand, drone can also be used for commercial courier. Both Amazon and Google announced in 2013 that they would use unmanned aerial vehicles for cargo deliveries, allowing customers to receive their order within a matter of hours. The key to such applications is the FAA's flight rules. Although drones are currently the only delivery method for several e-commerce providers, the FAA is hoping to revise the rules to allow some applications beyond the visible range. FAA There are currently 27 enterprises and trade associations currently investigating and discussing flight rules for commercial UAVs based on size and flight path and we look forward to continuing to focus on defining tests and flight rules with the ultimate goal of allowing autonomous drone aircraft to become Part of everyday business.

Monitoring and measurement

The monitoring and measurement industry is also a market that is currently growing substantially. For example: geomagnetic survey, can be used to predict the location of the reservoir, natural gas and oil pipeline monitoring, disaster area inspection and wildfire detection and prevention. Other applications include archaeological research and data collection; archeologists can use drone technology to create 3D model sites that can save researchers a few months time.

Environment and animal protection

Environmental protection organizations and animal rights organizations have achieved good results by effectively using unmanned aerial vehicles to curb illegal activities. For example, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been using drones in environmental protection assistance projects in Nepal since 2012. UAVs are mainly used for the observation of tigers, elephants, rhinos and deer populations. WWF also worked with the Namibian government to help reduce rhino poaching by using drones. Marine Guardian Association anti-whaling activists monitor Japanese whalers through drones.

Law enforcement

In the past few years, police in many countries have used drones to monitor suspects and public places. UAVs can be equipped with non-lethal tools such as electric stun guns to investigate criminals and aid chase. For example: North Dakota, USA, is conducting patrol tests on unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with electric stun guns while other UAVs are equipped with sensors to identify chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials.

Commercial movie

Media and filmmakers use drones to capture images and video to replace helicopters or expensive lifting gear, while reducing costs while improving camera sensitivity and operability, providing directors with more quality images and Screen. At the same time, the UAV can also be used to capture sports events and get the dynamic close-up of the athletes during the race, especially the high-speed movement of the athletes. The accelerometer, which acts as a guidance system for the drone, realizes the above functions of the drone. DJI launched for the film "DJiang 3" price of only 999 US dollars, is one of the industry's cheap UAV. Recently, GoPro has announced that it will invest in the development of a drone dedicated to video recording.


UAV applications in agriculture have increased dramatically in the past few years. Farmers use drones to monitor and improve crop health and irrigation systems and livestock locations. In view of the serious drought treatment and other issues, UAV will become an increasingly important new tool for agricultural industrialization. The Merrill Lynch global research report shows that the market potential of agricultural drone will create more than 100,000 jobs and the market capacity will reach 82 billion U.S. dollars from 2015 to 2025.

medical health

UAVs are also gaining traction in healthcare. Small drones can effectively use the internal medical facilities and autonomy, delivery of drugs to the bedside. They can also be used to deliver critical items such as blood analysis and medical supplies, while ambulance drones are under test. These UAVs can be used to deliver automated external defibrillators to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients. Delft University in the Netherlands has completed the design and definition of the product.

Sensor achievement unmanned

According to the current development trend of UAVs, sensor technology plays a role in which? As shown below.


Accelerometers are used to determine the position and flight attitude of the drone. Like the Nintendo Wii controller or iPhone screen, these small MEMS sensors play a key role in maintaining flight control. MEMS acceleration sensors have a variety of ways to sense the attitude of a movement, and one type of technology can sense the minute movements of a microchip. The movement of this type of "diving board" changes the movement of current in the structure, indicating a shift in the gravity-related displacement.

Another accelerometer technology is thermal convection technology with several distinct advantages. It has no moving parts, but a movement that is sensed through the displacement of a "hot air mass." Sensitivity of such sensors, in the stable car camera, film production and other applications plays a crucial role. By controlling the up and down movement and anti-vibration features, the producer can capture the picture very smoothly. In addition, because these sensors have better shock resistance than other products, thermal convection MEMS sensors perform perfectly on the aseismic behavior of UAV propellers.

Inertial measurement unit

Inertial measurement unit with GPS is the key to maintain the direction and flight path. With the development of intelligent UAVs, direction and path control are important ATM rules. Multi-axis magnetic sensors used in inertial measurement units are intrinsically small, highly accurate compasses that sense the direction and velocity by transmitting the data to a central processor.

Tilt sensor

Inclination sensor with integrated gyroscope and accelerometer

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