China's independent silver mines, which mainly produce silver , basically use silver flotation to select silver. 1 ), and the associated silver mine adopts a joint process of single flotation and float - re-election, flotation - cyanide, among which flotation is the most important (Table 2 ).
Table 1

Table 2

In order to improve the recovery rate of independent silver mine flotation, three measures were taken: First, aiming at the thickness characteristics of the silver mineral inlay size, the silver minerals were fully dissociated as much as possible, and the recovery rate of silver was improved. Second, the neutrality was selected. floating or weakly alkaline carbonate mineral slurry alkalinity adjustment and selection of the flotation pulp, to improve the floating silver; Third xanthate and with the use of black powder, to enhance the ability of the collector of silver.
The following picture shows a section of grinding and two-stage grading single flotation process adopted by Shilibao Silver Mine.
In recent years, under the encouragement of a series of preferential policies of the country, China has been strengthened in the comprehensive mineral processing and recovery of common and associated silver mines. Many mines and refineries have paid attention to the recovery of silver, but in general, there is no major development in mineral processing technology equipment. The recovery rate of silver is not high, and the silver content in different mine tailings is very high (10~30g/t), but it is not recycled.
After silver ore selected from the group (or smelt), the product obtained silver-containing ore concentrates silver, silver, and various mud of non-ferrous metals. At present, the former two are usually subjected to pyrolysis (reverberation furnace, electric furnace, crucible, blast furnace, flash furnace), or by hydrometallurgical separation and extraction, and then electrolytic refining; the latter is mainly in the process of smelting non-ferrous metals. Semi-silver is enriched and integrated into the anode mud (mainly copper and lead anode mud). In China, 98% of silver is recovered from smelting anode mud of various non-ferrous metal mines.Garden Welded Gabion
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