Introduction: The case of Canazes v. Our company's “silent” trademark infringement and unfair competition dispute has been in force since the court’s hearing. Now our company’s statement is as follows.

【Notice】 Shanghai Lianhe Industrial Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd. Infringement Statement

The case of Kanaz, Ltd. v. our “silent” trademark infringement and unfair competition dispute has now come into effect after a court hearing. Now our company's statement is as follows:

1. "Mute" is a registered trademark of Kanaz Corporation, our registered trademark is "Uni-silent", and we have no relationship with Kanaz.

2. This time, we made use of the "silent" trademark of Kanaz Company, Ltd. to advertise on our Made-in-China website. We are deeply sorry for the influence of the Kanaz Company.

3. Our company promises not to use Kanazzi's “silent” trademark when it is being promoted externally.

Hereby declare!

Shanghai Lianhe Industrial Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd.

January 17, 2018

Agriculture Grade Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium Oxide in the feed is mainly to balance the lack of "magnesium" in the feed, to prevent the occurrence of magnesium deficiency, Feed Grade Magnesium Oxide is to meet the requirements of feed related standards, the first is the health standard requirements, followed by heavy metals and arsenic lower than the "feed and food" related standards.
Feed grade magnesium oxide is an important animal feed additive, especially for ruminants, which is mainly used to supplement magnesium nutrients in animals.

Agriculture Grade Magnesium Oxide,Agriculture Grade Mgo,Agriculture Mgo Powder,Mgo Agricultural Fertilizer


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