Good lubricity can be achieved with synthetic oils such as polyalkylene or vinegar oils. Now with significant molecular changes, base oils can be prepared using advanced commercial processing techniques. In many fields of application, automotive and industrial lubricants formulated with these high quality API Group 1 specification base oils, like conventional synthetic oils, can achieve good lubrication performance. Introduced and demonstrated the characteristics of base oils with very high viscosity index (vHvi) specifications. After all, the performance of a refined liquid is the key to market requirements. The actual on-site performance may change unpredictably, even in the poly. Through the chemical synergistic balance of the vHvi specification base oils and additives, the equivalent high-level synthetic oil performance can be obtained. Dry technology is not new technology, but because of its many advantages, it is worth reevaluating the grease industry. Dry technology can shorten manufacturing time, reduce energy consumption, reduce the variety of raw materials and stabilize product quality. Therefore, dry technology is a faster, easier, more predictable and more reliable manufacturing technology, which is to increase the profit of grease industry. The way to the future. The currently available grease thickeners for dry technologies are yttrium stearate, yttrium ruthenium stearate, organically modified clays, amorphous silica, and polytetrafluoroethylene, while composite yttrium, aluminum complexes, and polyfilaments may be used. Become a candidate thickener for future dry process technology. Grease microoxidation test has the advantages of short test time and low equipment cost. Therefore, ASTM requires the investigation of the possibility of the grease microoxidation test being the ASTM standard test method, and describes some results of these investigations. According to the results of the indole grease test, it is not practical to replace the catalyst metal sample holder with a glass sample holder in the micro-oxidation test because the reduction of the oxidation rate value makes it inoperable in the accelerated oxidation test. The micro-oxidation test is carried out on the metal surface in contact with the atmosphere. There is vaporization of oil and gas, so the test results are more easily related to the actual high temperature bearing test and can provide accurate information on the volatility and composition of the lubricant residue.
Boiler Drum is a pressure vessel it is used to Separate steam and water mixture. Mixing feed water with water separated from steam-water mixture and re-circulate through the evaporating tubes. Reduce dissolved solid contents of the steam.
Steam Drum Tube,Thermal Power Plant Boiler,Drum for Steam Boiler Jinan Yuanda Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. ,