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The real estate industry's new start-up area in August grew faster than expected, indicating that the future demand for construction machinery will have a better performance. The real estate industry's fixed asset investment accounted for nearly 60% of the total investment in fixed assets of the downstream engineering machinery industry. The real estate industry's investment in fixed assets is booming. No, it will have a major impact on the demand for construction machinery.
It is generally believed that the newly started real estate area can better reflect the real estate business's judgment of future trends, and the change rate is greater than real estate investment in fixed assets. It can predict the trend of real estate investment in fixed assets in the next few months. In June 2009, new real estate construction in China began. The growth rate of the area reached 12.08%, which changed the situation of continued negative growth in new real estate since July 2008. However, the year-on-year growth rate of new start-up area in the country fell to 0.30% in July, causing the market to worry about the decline in real estate investment demand in the future. In August, the newly-started area of ​​the national real estate market reached 81.27 million square meters, which was significantly higher than the 70.58 million square meters in July. The national real estate construction area also increased from 110 million square meters in July to 121 million square meters. This figure is good. In the market's original expectation, the new construction area in August increased by 24.30% year-on-year, reaching a record high in 2008.
The rapid growth of new real estate in China indicates that the growth rate of real estate investment in fixed assets, which is an important downstream of construction machinery, will be better protected in the future. In addition, large projects for railway, highway, and infrastructure generally take more than half a year to complete. Before the approval of the project, only 18 of the 18 key railway projects in the country have officially started construction in 2009. Many other projects are on the eve of establishment and construction, and a large number of projects will start in the next 2-3 months. Expected 2009 4 Quarter-to-quarter and later 1-2 quarters of 2010, China's demand for construction machinery products will have a better performance.
The demand for the construction machinery industry is driven by the increase in fixed asset investment in related industries. If there is no increase in investment in fixed assets, the market need only maintain the current stock of construction machinery, that is, there is only depreciation and update demand in principle. The downstream of construction machinery The newly added fixed asset investment in the industry is a reference for the new demand for construction machinery. The growth rate of new fixed asset investment in the downstream of the construction machinery industry is a reference for the growth rate of the growth rate of new construction equipment in the industry. From June 2009, the growth rate of investment in fixed assets in the downstream industry of construction machinery has clearly exceeded the average value of investment in urban fixed assets. It is believed that the drive for fixed assets investment has significantly exceeded the national average and should be Over match.