Machinery Brackets ,Metal Brackets ,Metal Shelf Brackets,Steel Brackets Ningbo Metal Sharing Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd ,
In the first half of 2011, sales of Shaanxi Heavy Duty trucks exceeded 60,000 units, an increase of 13% year-on-year, and the market share increased by 3%. The sales of dump trucks ranked first in the industry for two consecutive months.
Among them, Shaanxi Automobile Delong F3000 vehicle sales accounted for 60% of sales, and achieved a smooth adjustment of product structure; Shaanxi Automobile Natural Gas heavy truck orders exceeded 1,200, a year-on-year increase of 138%, and the market share exceeded 90%, maintaining its leading position in the industry. In particular, mining dump trucks were a major bright spot for natural gas sales in 2011. Both sales and user acceptance have been greatly improved.