Recently, after the overhaul of the second-line crushing tobacco drying machine of the Zhuozhou Recycled Plant in Hunan Province was completed, after half a month of full-load production and operation tests, all technical indicators were in compliance with the original equipment factory technical requirements, and the sign major repair project passed the inspection and acceptance for production and processing. The continuous and reliable protection provided. Cigarette smoke dryer It is understood that the original shredder dryer was put into use in 2001 through technological transformation. It has been used for 11 years. The shell and steam heater have been seriously rusted and perforated in many places. It is no longer possible to use the shredder dryer. The model dryer is obsolete. Products, manufacturers no longer produce. In order to ensure production and save funds, the technical personnel of the Materials and Production Division of the Luzhou Redry Factory have made bold innovations. They decided to make the main parts of the replacement crusher dryer on the original basis and carry out technological transformation of the drier. The cost of the entire project is to be produced and installed. A total of 47,500 yuan, with reference to the State Council's new type of cigarette smoke dryer price 700,000 yuan, only this one for the company to save about 650,000 yuan in technical reform funds. Bucket Screen Printing Machine,Pail Printing Machine,Paint Bucket Printing Machine,Plastic Bucket Printing Machine GIG (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD ,