Domestic Aquarium Choosing Oxygen Pump
Sun Jiqiang, general manager of Tianjin Caozhuang Flower Ornamental Fish Market, said that it is best to choose a single-hole or double-hole oxygen pump at the time of purchase, and adjust the use time according to the quality of water and fish.
Buying a suitable aeration pump for the fish tank is a necessary condition for the healthy growth of ornamental fish. In the purchase of aeration pump, first of all to distinguish whether it is a regular manufacturer, and then should observe the oxygen pump casing is damaged, the line head is off, whether there is leakage, leakage phenomenon. Oxygen pump is generally a single hole or double hole as well, the outlet does not have to be too much, so it is also easy to repair if damaged. If the oxygen pump is noisy, fill a hard foam plastic plate under the oxygen pump to effectively reduce noise interference.
Oxygen pumps do not have to be open all day, and the time of their use depends on the quality of the water in the tank and the amount of fish. In the case of good water quality, a small number of fish, and very few oxygen deprivation, the aeration pump can be less or only open for an hour or two in the evening. When the water temperature in the fish tank is high in summer, the oxygen pump time can be appropriately extended, which can prevent the damage caused by the long working time of the oxygen pump.
In addition, it is also necessary to check whether there are any accumulated water or debris in the plastic tube connected to the air pump or gas head on the oxygen pump. Once it is found, it should be cleared in time to ensure the smoothness of the air tube.

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