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The insurance clauses are clear, and the grain dryer insurance insured covers agricultural production and management entities such as farmers, farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms, and agricultural production enterprises. Insurance property consists of three parts: mechanical equipment, ancillary facilities and food. The mechanical equipment includes the grain dryer body and hot air stove, burner, fan, lifting conveyor equipment, cleaning equipment and other ancillary equipment. Ancillary facilities include equipment room, dust removal, fire protection, power distribution, oil storage tanks, gas storage tanks and other facilities. Food refers to the food in the listed production and operation sites. Insurance liability includes mechanical damage caused by accidents, natural disasters, improper operation, property damage in drying places, and personal injury and death of operators and third parties.
The insurance rate stipulates that the grain dryer insurance adopts the method of fixed insurance to determine the insurance amount and insurance premium. The batch insurance circulating food dryer with a single batch processing capacity of 20 tons or less (including) has a property insurance limit of 120,000 yuan, and the liability insurance has a compensation limit of 200,000 yuan per person and an annual insurance premium of 600 yuan. The batch insurance circulating food dryer with a batch processing capacity of 20 tons or more and 50 tons or less (including) has a property insurance limit of 180,000 yuan, and the liability insurance has a compensation limit of 200,000 yuan per person and an annual insurance premium of 700 yuan.
Food security is a major event that affects the national economy and the people's livelihood. Drying is an important part of the mechanization of grain production and an important guarantee for the bumper harvest of grain. Formulating the insurance policy for grain dryers, giving play to the function of insurance compensation and relief, and quickly restoring agricultural production is a benefit-mining measure that responds to farmers' expectations and increases farmers' sense of gain. At the same time, through the insurance company to guide and supervise the safety management of the insured's drying workplace, and put forward suggestions for eliminating safety hazards, which will help improve the safety supervision ability of agricultural machinery.
Recently, the Office of the Agricultural Insurance Work Leading Group of Jiangsu Province issued the “Jiangsu Grain Dryer Insurance Clause Rate (Trial)â€, and introduced the policy insurance clause tailored specifically for grain dryers, creating the first new field of rural insurance in China. . The document stipulates that farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations directly engaged in agricultural production can enjoy subsidies for financial insurance premiums when they insure food dryer insurance.