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Temperature and humidity test do not do without water, in this article by our experienced technical staff, to quote you look high and low temperature heat chamber have ever had to do in temperature and humidity will be given a number of water-related failures and related investigation Solution.
Water-related problems are usually easier to solve. In many cases, the user can solve it himself or through the guidance of our engineers. From the big category, it can be divided into water shortage and water leakage. Water shortages are more common. Let us first talk about the lack of water.
The situation of water shortage can be divided into water shortage in the water circulation system and water shortage in the wet ball cloth.
1. The waterway is short of water. Most of the water shortage in the waterway is caused by the lack of water in the water tank. This way, the purified water is replenished to the water tank until the water level meter on the lower right side of the water tank reaches about 80% of the entire scale.
However, I have encountered some special circumstances. Although this situation is very rare, I have once reported that the water in his tank is full, but the equipment is still out of service due to lack of water. In this case, I think that the waterway is not smooth. The waterway is blocked, and there is a possibility that the waterway is blocked by debris or the pump is faulty. The user's device is a new device that we just sent, so the situation of being filthy is basically ruled out. Every piece of equipment will be fully commissioned for 7 days before shipment. During the debugging process, we have done ample tutorials on the internal systems, and the pump must be no problem. Following the water-related circulation pipeline, the customer told me that the water level float (transparent) on the upper right side of the machine's interior is water-free. This will know that the problem is on this water level float. It may be that it is broken and needs to be changed. However, the water loss of the new machine float is never seen. Later, I asked the user to take off the water float and shake it. At this time, the entire water circulation system began to flow. It turned out that during the transportation of a device, due to the up and down vibration, the float and the water inlet below the ball were embedded together, blocking the water inlet. By shaking the float off the water inlet, the water supply is normal. Such a situation usually occurs when a new machine is delivered, or when the device is parked for a long time.
2. Wet ball cloth lacks water. This situation is more common. If the humidity keeps rising, even when it reaches 100%, the wet bulbs are mostly out of water. This is usually the impurity in the water that precipitates on the wet cloth and loses its water absorption properties. So at this time, look at the wet cloth is too dirty. If so, replace it with a wet cloth. If the wet ball cloth is new, there is still such a situation. Look at the wet ball tank for water. If not, it is a problem with the water supply circulation system. This detects the pump and the failure of the water level float described above. There is also an error that the operator does not often make mistakes: the wet ball cloth does not have the lower part of the water that is not soaked in the wet cloth sink.
Water leakage mainly comes from water circulation and water leakage
a, the waterway leaks. This is caused by the rupture of the water tank and the water pipeline, so that the gap welding can be repaired or the relevant joints can be prevented from leaking and sliding water pipes.
b. The wet bulb leaks. The wet ball slot is located below the wet ball cloth. In this case, it is common for the wet ball groove to leak due to uneven ground. This requires replacement of the place where the ground is flat. Of course, this situation should also be checked from the water inlet. There is an inlet valve involved in the problem of supplying water to the wet bulb. It is possible that the inlet valve is opened relatively large. This way you can try to close the inlet valve to observe. Another one is from the internal error involved in the machine. The water level float box is placed too high. According to the principle of pressure, the water pressure in the wet ball tank rises, causing water overflow. This can be used by professional engineers to adjust the position of the water level float box.