The residence time of the slurry in the flotation machine is called the flotation time. The residence time of the slurry in the flotation tank of the operation is called the sum of the operation flotation time, the rough selection operation and the flotation time of each sweeping operation, that is, the total flotation time of the process. The most suitable flotation time for various ores is determined through experimental research. When the mineral has good floatability, low content of suspended minerals, proper flotation granularity, small slurry concentration, and strong chemical action, the more intense the flotation machine is, the shorter the flotation time required. On the contrary, it takes longer to float. The relationship between flotation time and flotation index is shown in Figure 1. Increasing the flotation time can increase the recovery rate, but the concentrate grade decreases. The recovery rate increases rapidly at the beginning, and as the flotation time increases, the increase gradually decreases until a fixed value. Figure 1 Flotation indicators and flotation time In the flotation practice, the length of the flotation time is often used to judge the speed of the flotation speed (rate). Obviously, the shorter the flotation time used to achieve the specified or required recovery rate, the faster the flotation rate. When designing a flotation plant, the flotation time required to meet the design specifications is often used to determine the number of flotation machines required for the specified model; in a flotation plant that has been produced, the actual flotation time is often calculated through process inspection. In order to judge whether the flotation operation is reasonable, whether the number of flotation machines is sufficient. In actual production, under the premise of constant treatment of minerals, increasing the concentration of slurry can shorten the flotation time; when the amount of treated ore increases, increasing the concentration of slurry can alleviate the shortage of flotation time. Within a certain range, increasing the number of coarse, sweeping or flotation tanks can increase the flotation time and help to improve the recovery rate; increase the number of selections or the number of flotation tanks, which can increase the selection time and help improve the precision. Mineral grade, but reduced recovery. Colloid Mill,Biological Products Colloid Mill,Dairy Product Colloid Mill,Peanuts Colloid Mill For Food Jiangyin Longchang Machinery Manufacturing Co,Ltd ,