The crust abundance of copper is 68 × 10 -4 %, and the seawater content is 3 × 10 -7 %. Under the action of nature, the original copper ore produces many secondary copper minerals by substitution and oxidation. The closer to the surface oxidation, the more severe the oxidation minerals are formed. The main minerals of copper are shown in Table 1. The copper production and reserves of the world's major copper producing countries are shown in Table 2. Table 1 Main minerals of copper Deposit mineral Molecular formula Deposit mineral Molecular formula Oxidation zone (secondary) Natural copper Cu Oxidation zone (secondary) Black copper mine CuO malachite Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3 Shallow deposit (secondary) Copper ore Cu 2 S Water scorpion Cu 4 (OH) 6 SO 4 Copper blue CuS Block copper Cu 3 (OH) 4 SO 4 Deep deposit (Native) Chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 Chlorocopper Cu 2 (OH) 3 CI Copper ore Cu 5 FeS 4 Azurite Cu 3 (OH) 2 (CO 3 ) 2 Sulfur arsenic copper ore Cu 3 AsS 4 Chrysocolla CuSiO 3 ·2H 2 O Black sapphire copper mine Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13 Copper mine Cu 2 O Arsenic bismuth copper ore Cu 12 As 4 S 13 Table 2 Production and reserves of copper mines in major copper producing countries country Copper mine production Reserve Reserve basis country Copper mine production Reserve Reserve basis Year 1999 2000 Year 1999 2000 United States 160 145 4500 9000 Canada 61.4 65.0 1000 2300 Australia 73.5 76.0 900 2300 Chile 438.2 450.0 8800 16000 China 50 51 1800 3700 Poland 46 48 2000 3600 Indonesia 74 85 1900 2500 Russia 53 52 2000 3000 Kazakhstan 37.4 38.0 1400 2000 Zambia 26 26 1200 3400 Mexico 36.2 39.0 1500 2700 Other countries 150 160 5000 11000 Peru 53.6 53.0 1900 4000 total 1260 1290 34000 65000 Cooker Knobs,Gas Stove Knobs,Universal Stove Knobs,Universal Gas Stove Knobs Ningbo Best Channel Import & Export Co., Ltd. ,