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Riester now provides LED illumination for all three models of ri-scopeL ophthalmoscopes. ri-scopeL is List's advanced direct ophthalmoscope series featuring high performance optics, LED and lithium technology.
The advantages of the new LED/lithium technology include longer battery life and enhanced instrument reliability. Consistently bright white LED light output improves medical examinations, making diagnosis easier and beneficial to both doctors and patients. The life of the lamp with LED5500K technology is 20,000 hours, which is only 20 to 30 hours compared to halogen and xenon lamps. The service life advantage is self-evident. ri-scopeL combines energy-efficient LED technology with a durable lithium battery to deliver continuous high power performance and significant energy savings.
All ri-scopeL ophthalmoscopes have a standard design that features high-performance optics, aspherical concentrating glass lenses and reduced reflection. All L1, L2 and L3 models feature corrective lenses up to 89 diopters. According to Gullstrand's theory, reflections from the cornea and iris can be avoided by separating the observation beam and the illumination beam.
The top of all ri-scopeL series of ophthalmoscopes are dust-proof and feature an easy-to-operate aperture handwheel for apertures and filters.