The flotation process is generally defined as the general term for the flow of slurry through various operations during ore flotation. Different types of ore use different process treatments. Therefore, the process also reflects the process characteristics of the treated ore, so it is often referred to as the flotation process.

The choice of flotation process depends mainly on the nature of the ore and the quality of the concentrate. The ore properties are mainly: the ore grade and material composition; the embedding characteristics and symbiotic relationship of useful minerals in the ore; the muddy condition of the ore in the grinding process; the physicochemical properties of the mineral. In addition, the scale of the plant selection and technical and economic conditions are also the basis for determining the flotation process. Different scales and technical and economic conditions often determine the complexity of the flotation process. Smaller factories with poorer technical and economic conditions should not adopt more complicated processes, larger scales, and better technical and economical selection plants. In order to maximize the technical and economic effects, more complex ones can be adopted. Flotation process. It should be noted that sometimes a variety of useful minerals are closely symbiotic. For such complex ore flotation process can not be a single integrated maximize recovery of various useful ingredients employed must often combined with other flotation beneficiation process or metallurgical methods.

When selecting a flotation process, you must determine the principle flow of the flotation and the internal structure of the flotation process.

The task of selecting the flotation principle process is to solve the problem of the number of segments in the flotation process and the flotation order of useful minerals. In practice, the number of sections of the flotation is divided by the number of grinding sections and the flotation operation. Generally, it can be divided into a flotation process and a stage grinding phase selection process. The ore is ground to the required particle size at a time, and then the flotation process of the final concentrate is obtained by flotation, which is called a flotation process (Fig. 1); wherein the grinding can be one or several segments. The stage grinding and stage flotation are based on the order of coarse and fine, and the useful minerals of different inlay sizes are dissociated by grinding, and the processes of the useful minerals that have been dissociated are selected one by one. The stage grinding and stage flotation process can be divided into three cases: (1) tailings regrind and re-election process (Fig. 2); (2) rough concentrate re-grinding and re-election process (Fig. 3); The middle mine re-grinding process (Figure 4).

Ores (e.g., including copper, lead and zinc sulphides ore) principle flotation process, can be divided into:

Direct priority flotation process

The flotation process of various useful minerals is selected in turn, called the priority flotation process (Figure 5). The characteristics of the process can adapt to the change of ore grade and have high flexibility. It is suitable for the original sulfide ore with higher ore grade, such as the flotation process of Xilin, Fankou and Lechang lead-zinc ore dressing plants in Sweden, Sweden. This is the case for the flotation process at the Laisvall lead-zinc plant.

Hybrid flotation process

First, all the useful minerals in the ore are floated together to obtain a mixed concentrate, and then the mixed concentrate is sequentially sorted out into various useful minerals, which is called a mixed flotation process (Fig. 6); this process is adapted to the sulfide minerals in the ore. The total content is not high, the symbiotic bond between the sulfide minerals is complex, the structure is complex, and the ore with fine grain size is embedded, which can simplify the process and reduce the excessive pulverization of the mineral, thereby facilitating the sorting. The former Soviet Union Almac lead-zinc ore dressing plant adopted this process to obtain higher than the priority flotation process, the lead concentrate grade increased by 10%, the zinc concentrate grade increased by 4.5%, and the ore comprehensive utilization rate from 75.4% increased to 83.7%, labor productivity doubled, my Qingchengzi lead and zinc processing plant, small iron copper mine processing plant production processes also belongs to this category.

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