CNC machinery is widely viewed as a hands on craft that employs the use of many types of saws, drills, and Cnc Routers and more but the use of CNC technology has made it possible to have all these jobs completed with great speed and precision, CNC Routers has wood cutting machine function,cnc machine milling function and cnc machinery engraving function. The quality and repeatability of the cuts that can be achieved using a CNC Routers is hard to ignore. Intricate wood carvings have long been a standard that has set custom jobs apart from others. CNC Machinery, CNC Router Machine, CNC Router, Wood CNC Routers JINAN XUANLIN MACHINERY CO., LTD. ,
Production capacity: 100,000 carats / a.
Raw ore properties: The ore processed by the plant is a rock tube ore. Macular divided magnesium aluminum garnet kimberlite phlogopite mica fine gold and two types of kimberlite. The main ore minerals are diamond, olivine (has been altered to serpentine), mica, magnesium aluminum garnet, magnesium aluminum garnet chromium, chromium spinel, a perovskite, apatite and the like. The diamond has a small particle size in the ore, mainly concentrated in the fine-grained grade, and the -2mm particle size accounts for about 57%, and the crystal is seriously damaged. The main crystals are rhombohedral dodecahedron and octahedron. The average grade of ore is 139 mg/m 3 . The plaque-like magnesia-alumina phlogopite kimberlite has a higher grade than fine-grained phlogopite kimberlite.
Beneficiation process: The plant uses a multi-stage crushing and grinding multi-stage selection process. The plant is a 4-stage crushing mill. The rough selection is the combination of panning and sorting with froth flotation, in which the panning tray processes 20-0.5 mm material and the froth flotation treatment-0.5 mm material. Froth flotation reagent system is as follows: Collector - kerosene and diesel oil, the ratio of 1: 1, the total amount of 800g / t; manufactured by foaming - pine oil, the amount of 50g / t. The selection uses oil selection, surface flotation (grain floatation), chemical treatment, magnetic separation, magnetic fluid static separation, hand selection and other methods. The process characteristic of the plant is that the flotation is selected by froth flotation. The magnetic fluid static separation is used in the selection, and the lower limit of the particle size is reduced to 0.2 mm.
Sorting index: The diamond recovery rate is about 80%.
Mengyin diamond mine is China's first diamond original ore. It has both veins and rock pipes. Currently completed a total of three beneficiation plants, namely a processing plant (commissioned in 1970), two dressing plant (commissioned in 1976), since the mill pilot plant (commissioned in 1976). The second selection plant is introduced below.