China Drying Network News According to Sina Finance, the BMW Group announced on December 12 that it has signed an agreement with Boeing to exchange information on carbon fiber manufacturing. BMW said that this cooperation aims to promote carbon fiber recycling and production and automation technology research. Last year, BMW and Volkswagen competed to increase the stake in German carbon fiber manufacturer SGL Carbon. BMW also established a new carbon fiber plant with a joint venture with SGL at Moses Lake in Washington, USA. Carbon fiber materials are 30% lighter than aluminum and 50% lighter than steel, which can help reduce vehicle weight and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Boeing's 787 Dreamliner has 50% of its fuselage made of carbon fiber composite materials, and BMW also plans to launch the carbon passenger compartment i3 full-electric car by the end of next year. Leisuwash S90 Vehicle Wash System Leisuwash specializing in manufacture Automatic Car Wash Machine, Touchless Car Wash , Automatic Touchless Car Wash, touchless car wash equipment, robot car wash, smart car wash system, leisuwash 360, leisuwash leibao 360, laserwash 360, leisuwash touchless car wash machine, leisu wash touchless car wash automatic, leisu wash 360 high pressure touchless car wash equipment, robo car wash, touch free car wash, leisuwash 360 touch free car wash, leisuwash 360 price, automatic car wash price, leisuwash in malaysia, no touch automatic car wash machine, leisuwash 360 mini, leisuwash SG fully automatic car wash equipment.
Leisuwash S90 touchless car wash machine high intelligent high quality, with car wash + car care + drying process totally, each car wash takes time 1 minute to 5 minutes which depends on the car wash mode.
Leisuwash S90 Car Wash Machine is an entry level car wash unit, but you won`t find any low grade components and no cost cutting on the expense of quality. Each Leisuwash S90 is built by Leisuwash employees in accordance with our usual quality standards, the low price is achieved by high standardization and the use of proven technology. The Leisuwash S90 is for clients that need a wash machine at a competitive price with higher ROI. Auto Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series,Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co.,Ltd ,