In the flotation, the inhibitory mechanism of the inhibitor is mainly: 1. Forming a hydrophilic film on the surface of the ore particles to achieve the purpose of inhibition   The inhibitory effect of other heavy chromate lead ore is converted to weakly alkaline pulp as chromate, and then exchanged with the SO 4 2- on the surface of the oxidized galena, of a hydrophilic The lead chromate film is suppressed. The reaction formula is: Cr 2 O 7 2- +2OH-=2CrO 4 2- +H 2 O PbS ] PbSO 4 +CrO 4 2- =PbS ] PbCrO 4 ↓ +SO 4 2- Inhibition of quartz pyrite, in addition to inhibition of Ca 2+ can play, the main OH - Fe 2+ pyrite surface effect, open into the hydrophilic insoluble ferrous hydroxide (Fe (OH) 2 ) and iron hydroxide [ Fe(OH) 3 ] film, which inhibits pyrite. When the effect of pyrite are xanthate, xanthate forming a hydrophobic film on the surface of iron pyrite, OH - ions can be substituted xanthan, ferrous hydroxide film formed on the surface thereof. The response is as follows:         FeS 2 ] Fe(ROCSS) 2 +2OH - =   FeS 2 ] Fe(OH) 2 +2 ROCSS - The inhibitor forms a colloidal adsorption film on the surface of the ore particles to achieve inhibition. For example, the inhibitory effect of zinc sulfate on sphalerite is that zinc sulfate forms a hydrophilic zinc hydroxide colloid in the alkaline slurry, and the adsorption of the surface of the ore particles also displaces a part of the collector . In addition, Zn(OH) 2 can form more hydrophilic HZnO 2 - or ZnO 2 2- at higher pH , which can enhance the inhibition of sphalerite. As the inhibitor of non-sulfurized ore, water glass is inhibited by the hydration of HSiO 3 - and silicic acid colloidal particles directly adsorbed on the surface of the ore particles, making the surface of the ore particles hydrophilic, due to HSiO 3 - and H 2 The adsorption of SO 3 and silicate surfaces is strong, so water glass has a strong inhibitory effect on these minerals. Many organic colloids, such as water gel, starch, etc., are dispersed in water into a number of molecules of hydrophilic colloidal particles, which can be adsorbed on the surface of minerals such as mica and graphite to be inhibited. The inhibitor can also form an ion-adsorbing film on the surface of the mineral to inhibit the mineral. When the adsorption potential of the mineral surface to the highly hydrating ions is higher than that of the collector ions, the mineral is inhibited by the surface hydrophilic ions. Sodium sulfide in the pulp dissociated generated HS -, S 2- sulfide ore may be adsorbed onto the surface of, and prevent phase separation of sulfide ore collector. Carboxymethylcellulose is widely used to inhibit calcium silicate minerals and carbonaceous gangues and argillaceous gangues. The inhibition of cellulose is because after it interacts with the ore particles, it can be combined with water through polar groups such as -O- , -OH , -COOH , and becomes hydrophilic by the ore particles acting on it. 2. Hydrophobic film that dissolves the surface of the mineral   When multiple separate mixing metal sulfide ore flotation concentrate, because the separation of the mineral surface to be generated has a layer of hydrophobic film xanthate. When cyanide is used as an inhibitor, it can interact with the polymetallic xanthate to replace the xanthate anion, such as with ethyl xanthogen:          Zn(C 2 H 5 OCSS) 2 +4CN - =Zn(CN) 4 2- + 3. Dissolving the role of the activated membrane   The surface of the sphalerite is activated by Cu 2+ to form a copper sulfide film, which is improved in floatability. After action by cyanide, since CN - CU 2+ and generating copper cyanide complex, the activated dissolution of the film of copper sulfide, the following reaction formula:     ZnS 〕 CuS+4CN-=ZnS 〕 +S 2- +Cu(CN) 4 2- 4. Eliminate the role of activated ions   The inhibition of sulfite and thiosulfate is because they are strong reducing agents, which can reduce high-valent metal cations (such as Cu 2+ ) or form complex ions in the slurry, thereby eliminating the activation of metal ions. Sulfuric acid and its salts, sodium thiosulfate, react in the slurry as follows:            SO 2 +H 2 O=H 2 SO 3 H 2 SO 3 =2H + +SO 3 2- Na 2 SO 3 =2Na + +SO 3 2- Na 2 S 2 O 3 =2Na + +S 2 O 3 2- SO 3 2- +2Cu 2+ +H 2 O=2Cu + +SO 4 2- +2H + 2S 2 O 3 2- +2Cu 2+ =2Cu + +S 4 O 6 2- The cuprous compound is very unstable and it quickly interacts with the thiosulfate ion to form the cuprous thiosulfate ion:                  2Cu + + 2S 2 O 3 2- = Cu 2 ( S 2 O 3 ) 2 2- One of the inhibitory effects of cyanide is also the ability to remove activated ions. When Cu 2+ encounters CN - , a precipitate or a complex is formed and removed.                  Cu 2+ +2CN - =Cu(CN) 2                  2Cu(CN) 2 = Cu 2 (CN) 2 ↓ +2CN - If there is excess CN - , the precipitated Cu 2 (CN) 2 will be redissolved to form a stable complex ion [ Cu(CN) 3 ] 2- :                    Cu 2 (CN) 2 +4CN - = 2 [ Cu(CN) 3 ] 2- This prevents the activity of Cu 2+ . 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