Introduction: Recently, Samsung Electronics, which was listed on the A-share market, claimed to be the leading company of smart meters. Linyang Electronics, which was earlier than the meeting, also said that it is the leading company in the smart meter industry. Who is the real leading company in the end? I believe that the smart meter industry will not have a real leading enterprise.

According to the Samsung IPO prospectus just listed, in the first half of 2010, Samsung Electronics ranked second in the sales revenue and proportion of the total sales of the major manufacturers in China. The accumulative bid was 4,894,900 units and sales revenue was 677.71 million yuan. It accounted for 10.58%, ranking first for Holley Group Co., Ltd. In 2010, Samsung Electric Co., Ltd. centralized procurement of smart power meters in large-scale bids, and the market share calculated according to the number of successful bids was 10.66%, ranking first. "The number of manufacturers with the second highest bid amount is less than 8%, and the leading advantage is obvious." The status of the industry in Samsung's prospectus is expressed.

At the same time, Lin Yang Electronics, which was earlier than Samsung’s announcement of the prospectus (submission), believes that the company is the largest electronic energy meter manufacturer in the country. The prospectus shows that in the field of electronic energy meters, in addition to the company, Samsung Electronics has a large market share. “The output of electronic energy meters in 2007 was 7,204,400 units, and the market share was 10.32%; in 2008, the output was 9,209,600 units, and the market share was 12.37%; in 2009, the output was 8,851,100 units, and the market share was 10.67%.”

The basis of Linyang Electronics is the statistics of the Electrical Instrumentation Branch of the China Instrument and Meter Industry Association. The data shows that from 2007 to 2009, Linyang Electronics’ market share has been the first.

In this regard, Sohu Securities reporters contacted the two companies to conduct interviews by fax, e-mail, and telephone, but as of press time, no reply was received.

“Because we were preparing the prospectus in 2009, it was earlier than them (Samsung Electric). At that time, the data in the first half of 2010 had not yet come out. Before we submitted the prospectus, this industry data (2010) It hasn't come out yet.” A staff member of Linyang Electronic Board Secretary Office once told the media.

"If you pass the meeting on March 30, 2011, the advance date of the prospectus submission will also be required to be revised in the form of supplementary materials because you have spent the full fiscal year." An investment bank source told reporters that Lin Yang shares The data for 2009 was unpublished and the 2009 data was cited instead of the data for the first half of 2010. “Striking the ball, Samsung Electronics had a meeting date of April 27, 2011, which means that when submitting materials, the 2010 data is also Not published".

There is no real "head"

Whether it is Samsung Electronics, Lin Yang Electronics, the leading position mentioned in the data seems to be correct, but in fact, the smart meter industry will never be a real leader, a dominance is the State Grid will never hope .

This statement was fully reflected in the two centralized procurements of the State Grid in the first half of 2011. In the first purchase, Linyang Electronics failed to enter the top six, while Samsung Electronics ranked third; in the second purchase, Linyang Electronics ranked second with a 5.96% share. Electronics (002121.SZ) ranked first, and Samsung Electric missed the top five.

However, from the perspective of the share of successful bidders, the ratio is very close, with a difference of less than 1% before and after.

In the case of a smart meter development that is largely tied to the tendering of the State Grid, it is impossible to create a true smart meter leading company.

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